Laney Culture
We drill deep into the safety, sustainability, and success we aspire to achieve. We prioritize the well-being of our employees, both at work and home.
Safety Initiatives
Our commitment to safety is rooted in our devotion to people. We enhance trust in our workforce by proactively identifying risks and potential injuries through continual assessments and having fully thought-through mitigation plans.
Laney Values
Our values encompass trust, accountability, transparency, and much more. We commit to upholding these values, ensuring we treat everyone and everything with respect.
Work Culture
We are a family-oriented company that fosters a positive work culture, invests in our employees' future, and develops individuals with personal and professional growth.
Laney provides an inclusive, engaging, collaborative, and trusting work environment for all their employees.
In all of my career, this is the best work environment I have ever worked in.”